Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Sunday afternoon I went over to Ryan's and we rode out and got the bulls out of the pasture and headed them home.  They have been a little hard to hold in their pasture, because they know it is time to be turned out with the cows.  We have to hold them in a small lot and feed them hay.

Here the bulls go down the driveway after they have come about a mile through the pasture.  It is a little greener over at Ryan's.  The calving pasture is on the right and a hay field on the left.

Early Monday morning we had to load our bum lambs and head to Ryan's to get our two bum calves.  Tammy had arranged two classes of Third graders to come out on a field trip to the ranch.  The ranch she found was Gary and Amy Cammack's at Union Center.  We took our young livestock to Cammack's to help add to the ranch experience.

Here is a Third grader from Rapid City feeding the bum lambs and petting a calf.  The school children got to ride a horse, practice roping a steer head, touring a wood working shop and touring a taxadermy shop.  Then they were treated to a wonderful lunch served by the hosts Gary and Amy Cammack.  Here Gary and Amy serve in the line.

After that we loaded three bulls to bring over and put with the yearling heifers.  Then we moved the heifers north to a small pasture that has good water in it.

Tammy found a new low stress way to move heifers.  She lets her dog off the four wheeler and heads off in the direction we need to go and the heifers follow.  They are either chasing the four wheeler or the dog I don't know which.  Here she is leading the herd.

We finally reached our destination. The heifers are enjoying a drink of really good water.  We took a sample of the water. It tested 290, compared to the 4600 TDS water they were drinking.

Just thought I would throw this picture in.  We have several hundred acres of this kind of ground.  We call it cactus hard pan.  The soil is a heavy clay loam that holds surface water and grows cactus.

Some day I will figure out how to rotate a picture.

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