Monday, March 30, 2020

Late March and a nice day.

Had a beautiful day to lamb some ewes.  It got to 70 degrees, a little windy at times. In two days they think we will have six inches of snow.  We can use the moisture as it has been quite dry, but don't like that much snow.  The ground is warm enough it won't last long.

Got some pairs out of the barn so they can enjoy the sunshine.

The lambs enjoy the sunshine and it is good to get used to being outside.  We are lambing the yearling ewes.  These are first time mothers so it is good to take some extra time with them.  Most of them have single lambs, very few twins.  We don't expect them to raise two lambs.

Here are some lambs that are resting under the feed trough while their mother munch hay.  They are learning safety in numbers and having a trough for protection.

Granddaughter Lily is three going on four and she helps Grandma a lot in the sheep barn.  We went down to feed the chickens some of Grandma's worms.  Also gather some eggs. Eggs are not a problem for us.  The only problem is keeping up eating them.

I maybe should try to explain the worms.  Tammy has a large supply of worms that eat food waste and make compost for the garden and new plants.  She has two maybe three big totes of worms that she keeps feeding.  So if anyone needs worms I might be able to make a deal.

This is our chicken's winter quarters. In a few weeks as it warms up and greens up the chickens go into a portable cage that we pull around with the four wheeler.  This way they get fresh grass and bugs daily.  Later in the year I may show the chickens moving and how they enjoy being moved.

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