Wednesday, June 18, 2014

June flood came quick

A funny thing happened on the way to feed the bum lambs.  We had gotten 1.25" rain early this morning. Then about 7:30 it rained for and hour and we got another 0.50".  So we went up to feed the bum lambs.  I could hear this roar that I knew was water but no big amount was in sight.

We spent about 20 minutes feeding bums.  There is like 25 bums in two pens.  When we come out this is what we saw.

Looking north on the hill by the barn.  This is not the normal channel of the creek.  It is an overflow around the beaver dam.

This the northwest corner of the house looking west over the creek.  I have only seen it between the lilacs and the house once before when the seven year drought broke in 2009.

Tammy tried something new for a garden.  Since the soil is too bad to grow anything she used the raised bed method of gardening.  I looked at the garden a half hour later and the tires were under water.  This bed is just on the north side of the lilacs.

Looking south of house.  The water from the creek has breeched the dyke to hold it in the creek and has flooded the little red shed on the creek.  Most of the fence is out. Again.  The camper trailer on the far right is where the chickens reside.  The rest of the flat is hay field.  It will be a while before we can clean the debris off the fields let alone cut hay.

I will be a while before I can cross the creek with the four wheeler to go check the ewes and lambs and the cows and calves.  Then look to fix any washed out fence which there is bound to be.


  1. I’m sorry to hear about the disastrous flood that ruined the whole field. It may have caused so much destruction and disturbance, but I'm sure everything will get back to normal if you work hard for it. Anyway, bed gardening is a good idea, especially if the soil is not healthy and the place is prone to flood, which can be a frustration to your entire agricultural project, sooner or later. Thanks for sharing that, Dallis! All the best!

    Kevin Kelley @ Ronald Harris Ravens Worth

    1. We are still fixing fence and still have fields to clean the debris off, but should have all this done in a couple of weeks. the weather is finally supposed to warm up.

    2. We are still fixing fence and still have fields to clean the debris off, but should have all this done in a couple of weeks. the weather is finally supposed to warm up.
