All this happening as we are trying to get the hay put up. I square baled the hay to start with. Bales were pretty far apart. I said it would keep my bale count up.
The haying did get better. Plus we have a good carry-over of hay from past years.
We got some lambs in and got the grand-kids started showing lambs. They showed their lambs at the Meade County fair and did pretty good. Then a few weeks later we went to the Central States Fair in Rapid City. Competition was tougher, but they still did good.
The grand-daughter is in the middle, there were like a dozen kids in the under 10 showmanship contest.
Tammy and I did something that we hadn't done for sixteen years. We went on vacation. We were gone for three days and went four wheeling in the Big Horns above Sheridan.
I tried a selfie. It was really steep hill we came down, but is doesn't show very good in the picture.
We saw deer and elk and almost got run over by a bull moose. By the time I got a picture he was just a speck.
Tammy though we need some registered sheep for the kids to show, so we acquired some registered Targhee ewes. Then she bought a buck at the Newell Ram sale.
I went to Mitchell to get a four wheeler the other day so had to stop at Chamberlin to see the new statue called Dignity.
I think it is about fifty feet tall. The day was cloudy and rainy, but still impressive. I think it is supposed to sparkle in the sun.