Friday, February 5, 2016

Tammy and Marshall decided that they wanted to lamb some sheep in January and early February.  We got them sheared and the weather was pretty nice for getting your wool taken off.  It stayed nice for a week as the ewes got accustomed to their new life style.

It is hard to see in this picture, but there are about three fresh shorn ewes out eating hay.  This was shearing day and more were to follow.

The weather got cold for a couple of days then warmed up for a week.  We got the barn bedded and ready for ewes with new lambs.

These ewes are getting heavy with lamb and we will get our first lamb a few days after this picture.

Here we have a ewe with her lambs penned.  They will spend several days in the jockey pen before getting put in a bigger pen with more ewes with their lambs.

The heifers are close and we are taking better care of them as they will calve in about four weeks.

The weather man is predicting warm temperatures for most of next week so life should be good.