Tammy went to Town and got some parts and sat in the seat of a new tractor and thought it fit her fine.
So she wrangled a deal and was raking hay and stacking bales in a few days.
Here she is backing up to the rake to go raking. We ended up stacking a couple a thousand bales. Then we used the little Kubota to run the square baler and bale 500 or so square bales of second crop alfalfa.
Then the girls got to stack the square bales on the trailer. Here they are after a mornings hard work.. We were getting ready to go unload the bales in the barn so the sheep would have good hay when they lamb next spring.
Then for what ever reason we turned bucks with the ewes so we can lamb in February next year. We turned the boys out for just twenty-one days. Then this morning got them in and removed the bucks from the ewes.
Somewhere in the middle of haying I planted turnips and radishes. I hope that by growing radishes and turnips we can loosen up the soil so it can take on more water and provide nitrogen as they rot next spring.